生日快乐英文祝福语 适合发在朋友圈里的文案
每当我们对别人说起生日快乐的时候好像除了一句生日快乐,总是会感觉到不知道说什么好,就不知道接下来要说些什么了。而且就连用英文说生日祝福语也是只会那一句“Happy birthday!”,这句话应该小学生都知道都会用了,所以显得有点没有新意和创意。
1、 祝你生日快乐,诸事顺利
I wish you a happy birthday and everything goes well.
2、 希望你永远被幸福环绕,祝你越来越漂亮
I hope you will always be surrounded by happiness. I wish you more and more beautiful
3、 祝你越来越幸福,越来越快乐
I wish you more and more happiness
4、 希望我们的友谊地久天长,我一直都是你的好朋友
I hope our friendship will last forever. I have always been your good friend
5、 今天是个特殊的日子,你必须听我的,我要请你吃大餐~
Today is a special day. You must listen to me. I will treat you to a big meal~
6、 美丽的小仙女,你又变漂亮了,如果没有心爱的人,考虑一下我吧。
Beautiful fairy, you are beautiful again. If there is no one you love, think about me.
7、 送出一份简单的祝福,祝福你永远美丽大方,祝福你永远快乐善良,祝福你想要拥有的都如约而至
Send a simple blessing, bless you always beautiful and generous, bless you always happy and kind, bless you want to have everything as promised
8、 越简单越快乐,越长大越可爱,祝你生日快乐,我的小公主。
The simpler, the happier, the more lovely you grow up. Happy birthday to you, my little princess.
9、 愿每一天的太阳都能让你无比耀眼,愿每一束的鲜花都能撒入你的心田。
May the sun shine brightly every day, and may every bunch of flowers come into your heart.
10、 生日快乐~你想要什么礼物呢?我打算送你一个“包”。包你幸福,包你健康,包你如愿,当然,也包含我~
Happy birthday ~ what do you want? I'm going to give you a "bag". It includes your happiness, your health, your wish and, of course, me~