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来源:名资汇网 2017-06-06 11:18:01

  An airport in China made this special request of drivers: “Please confirm your car is licked。” Surely a car wash would suffice?

  2. 在印度有个繁华的路旁竖着这样一个牌子,上面写着醒目的警告语:走路小心,情色(强奸?)事件重灾区。可是你们确定这样明目张胆难道不会有很多不明真相的围观群众?

  Meanwhile there was this eye-catching warning on a busy stretch of road in India: “Go slow – accident porn area。” Bet there were a few rubberneckers for that one.

  路牌  3. 在希腊的某条路上行走的时候你会多次遇到这样的站牌,上面写着警告语:在海岸公路停车是会被咬死。天啊噜。

  And you might get more than you bargain for on this Greek road, where a sign warns: “Parking is for bitten along the coastal road。” Ouch。

  4. 自驾游总是会被各种标识误导,天知道你会被引导到哪去。可是坐火车也好不到哪去,中国的火车厕所里总有这样一句话:当火车在马厩里的时候,请不要用厕所。那么马睡在哪里。

  Though driving has its pitfalls, things don’t get much better on the trains. A notice on a toilet in China reads: “Do not use toilet while train is in stable。” Where do the horses sleep, then?


